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Wills for Family Historians Online Workshop

This workshop will give you a solid basis for researching wills and probate records in England and Wales. Much of this will apply throughout the English-speaking world. You will learn:

What a will is and why people make them, plus what happens if you don’t.
How to find post-1858 central government probate records.
How to find pre-1858 probate records proved in Church courts.
How probate accounts and inventories can help.
How death duty records can help locate and update will information.
What happens when a will is contested in Chancery courts.

Two sessions – 8 and 15 April, both 7 – 9.30pm.

This interactive workshop is spread across two sessions one week apart. The second session will allow time for students to bring up some specific questions relating to their research. 

Pre-booking is required because places are limited. Bookings close one day before the event.

Image: Devinh48, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

About Berkshire Family History Society

This talk is organised by Berkshire Family History Society CIO, a registered charity number 1204390.