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8 Oct-4 Nov, during opening hours

Otherland, is an exhibition of Celtic Mythology and quantum mechanics, as found in the thin places around Reading Berkshire, from artist Dylan Garcia.

Arall  Otherland

Flusser believed photography changed reality. However reality is always the same it’s only our view of it that changes. Springtime in the Otherland is immortal, observed or unobserved, with or without a gesture.

As I walk on the Celtic Fringe, on the edge of time and the Otherland, Otherworld, Arell, at the thin places, on the time coast, looking at the ruins and the past and the future, I thank the storytellers and photographers that have come here before me. 

A spring day, shade  from sunlight, water reflecting life and light,  flowers and leaves explode,  waves on the shore of reality, springtime is today, tomorrow, forever, in this world or another.